Title:   China's Environmental Challenges:  Energy and Climate Change

Speaker:   Joanna I. Lewis (Georgetown University)


  1. Carbon footprint and greenhouse gases
  2. Vulnerable geographic regions
  3. Climate and security
  4. Impacts on the population and society
  5. Efforts to deal with environmental issues
  6. Windpower as a case study


  1. China's Environmental Challenges
  2. China Environment Forum (Wilson Center)


  1. Lewis, Joanna I.  Green Innovation in China: China's Wind Power Industry and the Global Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy (Columbia University Press, 2012)
  2. Economy, Elizabeth.  The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China's Future (Council on Foreign Relations / Cornell University Press, 2004)
  3. Shapiro, Judith.  Mao's War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China (Cambridge University Press, 2001)
  4. Simons, Craig.  The Devouring Dragon: How China's Rise Threatens Our Natural World  (St. Martin's Press, 2013)
  5. Osnos, Evan.  "If China Lives Like America: Q. & A. with Craig Simons" (31 May 2013)


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